Work Experience Program (WEP)

Offering young adults a chance to gain real-world experience.

Female remote worker contemplating her job offers.

Prepare for Tomorrow by Working Today

Gain Skills you Need for Life

Geaux Jobs is committed to helping young adults succeed. Our Workforce Experience Program is specifically designed for young adults to gain real-world experience via working in one of our offices. Students are eligible as long as they live in the same parish as the office, and the program is funded through the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act.

Geaux Jobs Office Business Center

Launch Your Future

Start Today

Each of our offices employs several young adults. These workers are valuable members of our team and are actively developing skills they will need to succeed in life. At Geaux Jobs, young adults can gain skills and experience by working in our welcoming, inclusive, and diverse office environment. If you’re interested in partnering with us through the Workforce Experience Program, contact us today to find out about openings near you. 

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