Access resources, access your future.

Louisiana Workforce Development Program
Starting a Small Business?
Geaux Jobs can help you improve your chances for success whether you are looking to start your own small business or are an established small business owner. Through our workforce development programs, we provide training on a variety of subjects, from marketing and communications to record-keeping and legal and insurance guidelines.
Resource Best for:

Career Exploration
Louisiana's Job Search, Made Super Simple
Louisiana Star Jobs is a tool for job seekers to use to identify current, in-demand jobs. Occupations with 3, 4, and 5 stars are considered in demand. Simply slide to your preferred settings then apply online.
Resource Best for:
Job Seekers
Young Adults
Use these free resources to research possible career paths.
easy-proof your future
My Life. My Way.
My Life
My Money
My Career
Tools for you to explore careers, calculate how much you want to earn, and discover the cost of living expenses in your location.
Career Assessment
O*NET OnLine

A simple job search that helps assess job wages and more according to current trends and statistics.
Resource Best for:
Job Seekers
Young Adults

Helping find the perfect fit for you
Disability Services Resources
Geaux Jobs has a variety of support, training and employment resources for workers with disabilities.
Resource Best for:
Job Seekers
Young Adults
On-the-Job Training (OJT)
Something for Everyone
Employer-Based Training (EBT) Programs create employment opportunities for individuals needing additional job training while giving them the opportunity to learn the skill associated with a specific job. As an employer, you may be eligible for reimbursement for the On-The-Job Training.
Resource Best for:
Job Seekers
Young Adults

Equipping you for success with free resources
Discover Free Online Learning and Training Courses in Our Business Center
Each Geaux Jobs location provides access to a wide variety of free resources you can access through our business center. We have skills analysis, free online learning, training courses, certifications, and vocation assessments to help you determine a good career fit based on your strengths. Our team also helps with resume and interview assistance. We’re always happy to provide you with a workspace where you can develop your job search strategy in a supportive and inclusive environment.
Resource Best for:
Job Seekers
Young Adults
Job Retention Skills Assistance
LA Works & the Rapid Response Program
Rapid Response is an early intervention service that helps workers who may be affected by major layoffs and plant closings qualify for new jobs. Rapid Response includes reemployment, retraining, and readjustment services and is free for both employers and employees.
Resource Best for:
Job Seekers

Free Online Courses & Online LEarning
Resource Library
Geaux Jobs offers a variety of free online learning and training courses that can be used to expand your knowledge and skills. There are options to earn a certificate, diploma, or cover a broad range of material to help master a skill set. The Resource Library is a great tool for individuals to expand their skills or resume and employers looking for continuing education and training opportunities for their employees.
Resource Best for:
Job Seekers
Young Adults

Small Business Employee Training Program (SBET)
Reimbursements for Employee Training
This program benefits businesses and industry by assisting in the skill development of existing employees through individual, standardized (off-the-shelf) training. After training is completed, employers will be reimbursed up to $3,000 per trainee. Opportunities to secure training are a valuable tool for small business employers.
Resource Best for:

Veterans Services
Louisiana's Job Search, Made Super Simple
Geaux Jobs provides employment assistance and training opportunities for Veterans, as well as, resources to help veterans transfer skills gained in the military and transition into civilian jobs. Opportunities for veterans include job assistance, job and training referral, and job placement.
Resource Best for:
Job Seekers
Unemployment Benefits Information
Need Help in a Pinch?
Claimants can find answers about your benefits, rights, responsibilities, or appeal. Employers can find out about benefits, taxes as well as information on how the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and North American Free Trade Agreement Transitional Adjustment Assistance (NAFTA-TAA) can work for you. Click here to find out more.
Access frequently asked questions about unemployment insurance
Discover options for job seekers
Learn about important info for employers
Audit information
Contact the tax audit field offices
Resource Best for:
Job Seekers

Unite Louisiana
Building connections for a healthier Louisiana
Unite Louisiana is a coordinated care network of health and social service providers. Partners in the network are connected through Unite Us‘ shared technology platform, which enables them to send and receive electronic referrals, address people’s social needs and improve health across communities.